This workshop brings together academics (university professors, doctoral students, and scientific staff) and industrial practitioners from different sectors, such as
- the automotive industry,
- the semiconductor industry,
- software product developers,
- solution providers,
- manufacturing industry, and
- infrastructure (e-mobility, telecommunications provider, data centres)
to exchange and discuss the latest synergies on digital eco-systems. We explicitly encourage participation of researchers from different communities within computer science. The workshop will be set in an informal and cooperative atmosphere with a specific format allotted to discussions.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- test process improvement
- business drivers for software quality
- quality attributes: functionality, interoperability, performance, security, reliability, robustness
- quality metrics and KPIs
- quality impact prediction
- domain specific quality issues such as quality in automotive, electronics, semiconductors
- agile development and quality
- rapid value delivery
- continuous integration and deployment
- case studies and industrial applications
- testing of software-enabled systems
- configuration testing
- testing of web-services and service compositions
- protocol verification
- open source software and its role in ecosystems
- open data
- data as a service
- software as a service
- heterogeneity of software licenses
- digital platforms
- infrastructure and tools for decision making
- software and service architecture
- community-driven software platforms
- limits of automation
- software and service engineering and the crowd
- customer journey mapping
- integrating and dismounting legacy
- maturity models for digital transformation and DevOps
- solution validating through crowd testing
recommendation systems and applications